Saturday, August 18, 2018


Frequently asked questions..  You asked.  I answered.

I am thrilled to have so many of you message me or ask me questions.  It tickles me that so many of you are curious about what I am doing.  As always, I am an open book.  Got a question?  Just ask me,

Here are the top 8 questions I have been asked repeatedly (more than three times);

Q1. In the video, you have a bucket and diapers.  Explain?
A1.  Well, its probably exactly what you think.  The bucket is a 5 gallon bucket with a " Luggable Loo" toilet seat.  The diapers are to , well, do what diapers do.  I mean, let's be real here.  I am in this truck probably 21 hours a day.  Not all those hours am I near a truck stop or rest area that I can answer the call of nature.  Also, being a diabetic, I have the urge to tinkle several times during the night.  I have been essentially forbidden to leave the truck and walk to the bathrooms at night at the truck stop and I certainly am not waking Mark when he needs his sleep for our safety.  So, I line the bucket with a trash bag, add a diaper or two to the bottom of the bag and go number one when I cannot wait until we get to a rest area or if it is at night.

Luggable Loo

Q2.  What do you do all day long?
A2.  Read, play games on my phone, sing at the top of my lungs, make up jokes to tell Mark, crochet, color, do crossword puzzles (with Mark's help), watch YouTube videos, and take photos.

Q3. How do you both sleep in that tiny bed?
A3. Fortunately we both sleep very still and face opposite directions.  He sleeps at the back of the facing the wall, I sleep on my left side facing out.  Sometimes he forgets I am there and he moves into a V shape.  When that happens I just lay at the other end of the bed and it all works out.  However, to be honest, I have not slept much but no worse than at home.

Q4.How do you choose/find out where you are going?
A4.  Mark's dispatch for his company (Swift Transportation) send him the loads.  We normally get a new load when we are within 200 miles of dropping the current load.  Sometimes its sooner, and sometimes its later depending on how the freight is in the area we are going to.  Currently we are en route to Elkton VA from Monroe, LA.  We will deliver by 10am tomorrow morning and hopefully by then they will have sent us our new load.  Side note: we have been in 18 states in 16 days, with five states been in twice (TX, MS, GA, AL and LA).  The states we have been in so far are WA, OR, CA, NV, AZ, NM, TX, LA, AL, MS, GA, SC, NC, WY, ID, OK, CO,  and TN.

Q5. Do you talk on the CB radio?  Do you have a handle?
A5.  I have not yet, but I want to.  And no, but I am taking suggestions!

Q6. Is it hard to cook on the truck?
A6.  Yes.  Sorta.  It's getting easier.  Its a matter of getting out all the stuff I will need before I start because once I set up TV trays for tables and things like that, there is not much room to maneuver.  I set up my computer tray on the bed with a shower liner underneath it to protect the bed from spills.  My electric skillet goes on the computer tray and I prep on the TV tray.  After we eat I fill two collapsible tubs up with hot water to wash and rinse.  We do use paper plates but everything else is real and gets washed and reused.  So far I have only used my crock pot and electric skillet and once in the toaster oven.  Hoping to start taking more photos and video of cooking and putting it on its own blog page.

Q7. What does a typical day look like for you now?
A7.  HA.  So far there has not been anything typical.  We get up normally around 415-430am. We shower (most days but not all, tbh),  I shower faster than Mark does so I come back to the truck and get things ready to move.  Make the bed, move anything lose into its secure sport, open the curtains and fill our water cups.  Mark comes back with his coffee and then does his pre-trip.  Then it's off we go.  I hang out doing whatever activity I choose.  When he gets hungry I get him breakfast/lunch/snack.  When we find our stop for the day, I get dinner cooked and cleaned up and then we just chill and watch tv or listen to music for the evening until bed time.

Q8.  How long do you think you will do this?
A8.  No clue.  Yesterday I did not think I could do it one more day, and then today I had a good day and cannot see myself doing anything else.  Will just play it by ear!

If you have any other questions leave me a comment, send me a FB message or email me at


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