Sunday, October 2, 2022

Patriots Point Naval Museum and Fort Sumter

 Another bucket list item that I was excited to check off on our vacation was Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum.  Adam went here four years or so ago with his college marching band and when he told me about it I knew I wanted to get there one day.  We have toured two battleships in the past (the USS North Carolina and the USS Wisconsin) and really enjoyed this so we were pretty excited to check out all that Patriots Point had to offer.  

We got to tour the aircraft carrier the USS Yorktown, the destroyer the USS Laffey, as well as investigate many different helicopters, fighter jets, groud vehicles as well as model base camps and lots of other things. I have to say it gave me an even greater respect for our men and women who serve and have served in the armed forces. We watched several short films that showed actual footage of military actions.  We both shed lots of tears after watching what they went through. They also had a submarine there but it was closed for repairs so we did not get to go on that.

While at Patriots Point we made a last minute decision to grab tickets for the ferry to take a ride out into Charleton Harbor to Fort Sumter.  Fort Sumter is a Civil War fort which is known as the fort where the Civil War began.  It was really cool to see the remains of the fort and hear some of the history from the tour guide. 

I really tried to narrow down these photos and considering I took over 525 photos, I guess I did.  So, enjoy?

Also, if you have not see my blog about Congaree National Park check it out here:Congaree NP

or Brookgeen Gardens : Brookgreen Gardens

Or check out the post about our final days at Myrtle Beach End of vacation

Thanks for checking out my blog.

Love you all!

The USS Yorktown- aircraft carrier

church on the aircraft carrier

torpedo workshop on the aircraft carrier

skullery, an overflow to the kitchen for storage and cleaning of pots, pans,and utensils.

skullery, an overflow to the kitchen for storage and cleaning of pots, pans,and utensils.

Bomb elevator.  Took bombs to the hangar where they would be loaded 
onto aircraft or onto another elevator to go to the flight deck.

Does anyone know what this is?  I think its an indusrial toaster.  Mark says no.

USS Glamagore

The USS Laffey- Destroyer

USS Laffey

The Vietnam Experience

Mess hall

sample menu


latrine (I would have ended up with a never ending UTI)

Fort Sumter

Castle Pinkney is a small fortification in the Charleston Harbor built in 1810.  It was used as a POW camp for a short tim during the Civil war.  It is not visitable now. There were a gazillion pelicans there though.

This cross is 12 feet tall and a foot wide.  It stands on the small island of Castle Pinkney is.

Fort Sumpter from the ferry

randos from my phone

This is the orginal flag that was at Fort Sumpter when the Civil War started.

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