Saturday, January 12, 2019

What did you say about Texas? (an old Spongebob quote that Adam used to say when he was a little guy)

Howdy Partner..  I reckon you been wonderin where I been (I am sure you really haven't because I post on FB all the time).  I been a right many places in the last couple weeks.

ok enough of that.  But, we have been a few places.  And a LOT of Texas.

Currently sitting in the sketchiest of truck stops.  I sent pics to Andrew in case the cartel come and kidnaps us overnight.  I dont even think the place has a name.  It's just exit 87 on I-10 in Texas.  I expect to see tumbleweeds blowing through the parking lot and a cow skull if I look outside.  We have about 1000 more miles to go until we reach our destination on Monday just outside of Baton Rouge.  800 of those miles will be in Texas.  I am still amazed at the size of this state!

Yesterday we were in Phoenix.  As far as cities go, its beautiful!  Clean and modern.  However, the traffic is, in my opinion ,the worst we have encountered.  And the number of people on their phones and tablets (yes, tablets) was just astonishing.  It  makes sad and mad at how selfish people are. It scares because it makes us have to be hyper vigilant so we do not hit someone because they are not paying attention.  They switch lanes and cut people off with no regard.  Anyway, let me get off my soapbox.  I'm just saying, a semi takes(running at 35 miles carrying 3800 lbs, which is very light) in good road conditions takes at least 150 feet to come to a complete stop.  If you cut one off, with not ample space you are literally risking your life and that of the driver.  I swear I am going to make a post just on driving safety and etiquette.  Ugh, it really gets me fired  up.

But I digress..on the way to Phoenix we went through New Mexico.  I am so enamored with this state.  It is so beautiful every where  you turn.  We are definitely adding it to our travel bucket list.

We started this load in Texas.  We dropped in Laredo and then went down to Pharr, which is Pharr down in the bottom of the state.  Hardy Har Har.  We went through some really tiny towns with super cool old buildings.  Going through El Paso is pretty neat because you literally can see Mexico. There is a black fence that separates the US and Mexico.  It's pretty interesting to look across the road into another country.

Before Texas we picked up a load of tires in Woodburn, Indiana.  The load was supposed to be ready at 640pm on Saturday night (1/5) and when we got there they told us it was not ready , and that second shift did not load trailers.  We would have to come back at 730am the next morning.  We found a truck stop and got some rest.  And started watching House of Cards.  The next morning we went to get the load at 8am and SHOCKER it was not ready.  They told us noon this time.  It gave us some time to do our weekly WalMart run and I had extra time to go wander around the Dollar Tree, which was like a 30 minute vacation to me!  Finally the load was ready at noon, but we still did not get out of there until 2pm because they gave us the wrong trailer number on the paperwork.  What a day.

I am still really enjoying being out here and I think more so now than the first three months.  I guess because I spent that 7 weeks ago home really missing Mark and being in an unhappy situation it made me appreciate this even more.

Someone asked me how long I was going to do this for.  I told them I didn't know but then decided when I get to the point where I am not grabbing up my camera in a hurry to take a picture of something or getting excited about a place we go to, then I will hang it up and get my little RV.  Until then I will keep watching YouTube videos to learn how to use my camera better, working on our budget and my meal plans, and loving the time with my husband and this big beautiful country of ours!

Thanks for reading!

Much Love!

Orange Tree

Orange Tree

A water vending machine thingy

ACK!  Phoenix traffic

At least we are not going that way!

I darn near needed to go here after that traffic!


Phoenix, Arizona 



More flooding

And still more flooding...


The border fence

The border fence


Sketchy truck stop

Rest area in New Mexico (with prison toilets)

I do not  think that was supposed to happen

Presidential candidate for 2020

In Woodburn Indiana

1 comment:

  1. Your mom says you do a great job with your blogs.. You have some very iteresting photos, as usual... Stay safe and watch out for the other guy!!! <3
