Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dickerson Park Zoo and Fantastic Caverns, Springfield, MO What a great day off!

 Hey!  We had a day off today, first one in almost a month and it was a lot of fun to stop moving and get off the truck for a bit.  Let me say right  now, there is a billion pics on this blog.  Sorry, not sorry,

We started out adventure at Dickerson Park Zoo.  It's a cute, small zoo here in Springfield, MO.

Dickerson Park Zoo

We Lyfted over there and spent a few hours walking around.  They had a nice variety of animals and the zoo was laid out well.  There were not a lot of people there but those that were, mostly were wearing masks in the appropriate areas (of the zoo, not of their faces). All of the zoo workers had them on and social distancing was happening.  I felt "safer" there than at the grocery store, that's for sure!  The weather was nice but started warming up as we were finishing out trip around the park.   They have peacocks all over the place just wandering about.  I was obsessed with taking their photos and they seem to like it.  The zoo was "old school" with the animals in cages rather than in natural habitats like the larger zoos we have been to.  All the cages were clean and the animals all seemed to be really well cared for.  We got to feed a giraffe(gross) and pet some goats (awesome!) I have a zillions pics of the goats and I make no apologies. The only let down was the hippo was not there.  The habitat is being redone and so she is off vacationing elsewhere.  Overall, a really nice way for us to spend our morning.

Since it was still early (around noon) when we were done at the zoo Mark made the executive decision for us to then Lyft over to the Fantastic Caverns . This is a ride through the caverns tour and was really neat!  This place was not quite as socially distanced by again, most people were wearing masks.  They had hand sanitizer every three feet.  The tram cars were a little more full than I thought they would have been, but again, masks.  The only time we took them off was for the photo that they took of us, and then it was back on. Well, except for a couple of crappy dark selfies.  I didn't mind wearing it in the cavern.  It was only 60°.  Photography was rough down there as the lighting was meh, but I got what I could. I did get some really nice amethyst earrings so that was pretty sweet. 

All in all we had a really great day off and there was no one I would have rather spent the day with.  Well, Jon Bon Jovi would be good, but I think he was busy today. :)

Enjoy the pics and as always, thank you so much for your support!  Love you all!

Dickerson Park Zoo

" Hey, what gives?  Gonna break me out or what?"

" I like your new teeth.  Wanna see mine?"


Nice Photo bomb by the donkey

This poor guy had no ears!

Quarantine hair, don't care!

Signs of the times


The cutest animal in the zoo!

Not gonna lie, this little guy's face breaks my heart.  I just KNOW he wants to come home with me.

What is my hair even doing??

Fantastic Caverns

This is a legit pic.  They turned off all the lights and it was total darkness.  Inside a cavern, and a the bottom of the ocean are the only places on earth you can experience this.  It was crazy.  Literally could not see your hand in front of your own face.

This is an Edison light bulb.  Back in the day when the cavern first got electric (before St. Louis and other cities) this is what the cavern was lit with.  It was powered by a steam generator.  People would come to the caverns not just to see them, but to also see this wonderful new invention called electricity.  The things we take for granted. Sheesh.

Steam generator.

The cavern was first explored by a 12 women athletic team in 1867.  The explored with candlelight.  These are the names of those brave women.

These were named the "The Hall of Giants" by the 12 women who discovered them.  They are 20 feet tall.

You can ssee the water droplets.  We got lots of drops of water on us

My souvenir!
Mark and I , front row end.  Like you can't tell that.

Ugh.  What is my neck doing??

Wow.  Such an expert photo.

And finally, some randos from Friday/Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. You guys covered a lot of ground in just one day! What beautiful pictures from the zoo! I especially loved the parrot and peacocks! I haven’t been to a cavern since about fourth grade and you’ve inspired me to take the kiddos! Dax would be amazed!
