Thursday, August 13, 2020

A few words and a whole lotta pics. The pics are worth it.


I always have the hardest time coming up with a title for these blogs.  I need to have something catchy so y'all will read it.  But I am really not all that clever.  

Anywho..things are going good out here. We have had really good, albeit HOT,weather (at least until today when it rained a good portion of the day) so that has been nice.  We left on the 29th of July and headed to Nebraska.  We delivered there and then picked up a load heading to California, San Diego.  We took the southern route (via I-40) to get to California so I got to revisit NM and AZ again.  I so love the western part of this country!  There is just nothing like it.  

The weather was INSANELY hot.  In AZ it was 110 degrees the day we got stopped there.  My $2 flip flops practically melted to the pavement.  I love hot weather, but it was a little extreme.  Its so different than in Ohio or North Carolina.  Its dry and windy.  You can feel the sun stinging your skin.  Its excellent.  LOL.


So its been about a week and I still have not posted this thing. Probably because I haven't even finished it.

We have been to California, back to Nebraska, then to Illinois, Wisconsin, back to Nebraska, then back to California.  We are currently sitting in Ludlow, CA where its 107 degrees at 6:45pm.  Pretty sure we are on the edge of the Mojave desert.

Things have been busy, we have been moving for sure.  Except for last night when we sat for close to 10 hours getting unloaded.  We read the reviews on the place before so at least we knew what to expect.  We got there at 8pm and when we got into a door at 9:45pm, we went to sleep until they called to say we were done.  Then Mark moved the truck to an overflow lot and we went back to sleep for a few hours.

Today we picked up in Visalia, CA and we are headed to Carthage, MO.  There is a possibility we might be able to fit in a visit to the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield on Saturday.   Crossing my fingers that we get a day off to have some fun.

Anyway, here is a buttload of pics I have been wanting to post but clearly struggling with what to write.  Sorry this has been lame and boring.  I'm going to try to do better!

Thanks for reading.  Love you all.

Donner Pass

Almond Tree

I wonder what they make here??

Something is missing from this picture..

This is the house for me!  ^^ close up.  Next photo is the wide shot.

Salt Lake City

The Great Salt Lake

That's a lot of salt!

I see you!
The Tree of Utah

The Salt Flats of Utah

Pilot Peak, Nevada

Imperial Sand Dunes.  This was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.  The dunes were as big as mountains and were just sand.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I miss traveling a lot so I treasure your blogs. 😘🥰
