Wednesday, July 25, 2018

It's getting real...

Having a little bit of a  breakdown this morning.  The reality of me leaving is setting in and while I am super excited it's also bittersweet.  Today I am getting together with friends to say "see you later".

I get to have lunch with a friend who has helped me so much along the way with my walk with the Lord and I am forever grateful for her friendship.  She took me in when I needed a place to stay and has prayed for Mark and I probably more than I have prayed for us myself.

Then it's on to visit another friend and her kids.  This chic.  Talk about being a friend.  She and I have been friends for over 10 years (WHATT??).  She is truly one of a kind and I am not sure how I would have made it without her.  Also instrumental in my journey with my Faith, she and her husband will likely never know how inspirational they have been to us.  Their babies are the sweetest on the planet and I cannot wait to see them.  Also, she is going to become the new owner of the plants that I got from my brother's funeral.  It means the world to me that she is taking them and I know will take great care of them.

Dinner time has me meeting with two of the loudest, most fun and zany band mom friends a girl could have.  We met years ago when our kids were all in band and have seen a lot together.  One of them has seen me cry over camping, and the other was my roomie for years on band trips. These ladies are so special to me and saying goodbye is going to suck.

Tomorrow I am saying "later" to my best friend of 25 years.  Talk about going through it all with someone.  She is truly my soulmate and gets me like no one else ever has, or ever will.  I am sure that is scary for her. :)   There is just no words to say how much I love her!

Finally, at some point I will see Andrew and spend some time with him.   Honestly, I cannot even write about him right  now because I do not want to think about what not seeing him all the time is going to do to me, or to him.  He is my mini me only cuter, way smarter, funnier and more loving. More on that later I am sure but I am already crying to hard to think about my departure from him.

Adam left for work this morning and as he does every day, he gives me a hug and a kiss.  Today it hit me that today and tomorrow will be the last days that ever happens.  In my life.  My "baby" is going to be in an apartment , on his own next week and these last few days we are here are likely the last days I will be sharing a roof with him.   To say I am proud of the young man that he is would be an understatement.   I know he is going to do great things.  It's just so hard to let him go be a grown up.  I will miss him to depths I cannot describe.

I would like to say that I know none of these are final goodbyes, but honestly, no one can predict what the future holds.  My heart hurts right now and today will be tough, but I am happy to get to see so many special people in one day.

I saw a thing on Facebook the other day that said " If I died today, would you be happy with the last conversation we had?"   Think about that.  I know that over the next few days I am going to make sure my conversations matter.   You should do the same.

Ok, have to go dry my tears and get ready for my day. Can't have puffy eyes for the selfies I will be taking today with my peeps!

 Thanks for reading.

Talk to you soon.



  1. Wow...busy days ahead. I am here in tears for you but they are sad but happy for you. Make sure everyone has some kind of video chat app so you can keep in touch that way! Now you wanna rock? Love you Sissy!

  2. You are more beautiful every day my Kathy!! Your enthusiasm for life lights up any room you enter. A piece of my heart travels with you. You and Mark took the top spot in my "war room" and now the praise is displayed even larger and higher. I enjoyed our lunch and will treasure our "selfies". I love you always.....and you know I will be praying without ceasing. :)
